Hello and welcome to my home page. I have several pages on this site related to various subjects. This is just a main page from which you can find links to the various pages on here. I'm a hobbyist programmer and most of these pages are going to be programs or scripts I have written. Subjects range from an adding machine / calculator to a word puzzle game to a workout generator for certain exercise equipment that uses the iFit system (treadmills, bikes, ellipticals). I'm also interested in astronomy and telescope making as well as machine shop and woodworking, so you'll find some calculators I've written that are geared to those interests.

Windows Applications

WinKeySim - old program for generating keyboard macros
Mark's Adding Machine - oldie but still goodie program to replace your desktop adding machine
WorkoutGenSD - program for generating workouts for iFit SD Card equipment
MD5.VBS - VBScript for generating MD5, SHA1, and other hashes

Online HTML/Javascript Applications

Login Barcode Creator - Create your own login barcode
WorkoutGenSD Online -- online workout script compiler
Spherometer Calculator / Calibration Tool - free online calculator for DIY telescope mirror projects, which also contains a telescope calculator for finding the best matching eyepieces
FortuneBox Tracker Tool -- For use with tracking your giveaway results of FortuneBox android app

Machinist Calculators

Dovetails Calculator - calculator to help with the math when it comes to measuring dovetail joints
Splitting Hairs - calculator to figure out angles and ratios when using the compound feed
Decimal / Fraction Conversion Chart - printable PDF files converting fractions to decimals

Online HTML/Javascript Games

Trim and Fit - A Workout for your Brain
Find the Ships - A free online single-player puzzle game similar to battleship and minesweeper


Softmodding an XBox Original
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