I needed to know the internal dimensions of a pulley, so I used my digital caliper to measure it. Some calipers will show you inches, millimeters, and fractions, but
mine only shows the inches (in decimal form) and millimeters (no fractions), and of course, when you go to the hardware store looking for a pulley they'll be sized by
fractions, e.g. 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, etc. I got a measurement of .618 inches, but there was some rust and oil in there so I figured it was probably .625 since that's a
5/8" size, which is very common.
Then I got to wondering, well maybe it's a 9/16 or some other fraction, so I thought it sure would be nice to have a little chart showing all the decimal equivalents.
So, I put a little chart together and decided to share it with the rest of the world.
Below you will find the chart I was able to create for this purpose, along with links to a couple different PDF files you can download and print. One of them is a full size page with easy-to-read big print in 2 columns and the other is finer print in 6 columns. You could print the larger one out and put it on the wall in your shop wherever it's convenient or do the same with the smaller one. I printed the smaller one and taped it to the cover of the little case that I keep my digital caliper in. It prints out just small enough that a single strip of heavy duty clear packaging tape will cover it. The tape will hold it down and protect it. Plus, with it on the caliper case I'll always have it handy when I need it for a reference.
Here is the list of items:
0.01562 --- 1/64 |
0.03125 --- 1/32 |
0.04688 --- 3/64 |
0.0625 --- 1/16 |
0.07812 --- 5/64 |
0.09375 --- 3/32 |
0.1094 --- 7/64 |
0.125 --- 1/8 |
0.1406 --- 9/64 |
0.1562 --- 5/32 |
0.1719 --- 11/64 |
0.1875 --- 3/16 |
0.2031 --- 13/64 |
0.2188 --- 7/32 |
0.2344 --- 15/64 |
0.25 --- 1/4 |
0.2656 --- 17/64 |
0.2812 --- 9/32 |
0.2969 --- 19/64 |
0.3125 --- 5/16 |
0.3281 --- 21/64 |
0.3438 --- 11/32 |
0.3594 --- 23/64 |
0.375 --- 3/8 |
0.3906 --- 25/64 |
0.4062 --- 13/32 |
0.4219 --- 27/64 |
0.4375 --- 7/16 |
0.4531 --- 29/64 |
0.4688 --- 15/32 |
0.4844 --- 31/64 |
0.5 --- 1/2 |
0.5156 --- 33/64 |
0.5312 --- 17/32 |
0.5469 --- 35/64 |
0.5625 --- 9/16 |
0.5781 --- 37/64 |
0.5938 --- 19/32 |
0.6094 --- 39/64 |
0.625 --- 5/8 |
0.6406 --- 41/64 |
0.6562 --- 21/32 |
0.6719 --- 43/64 |
0.6875 --- 11/16 |
0.7031 --- 45/64 |
0.7188 --- 23/32 |
0.7344 --- 47/64 |
0.75 --- 3/4 |
0.7656 --- 49/64 |
0.7812 --- 25/32 |
0.7969 --- 51/64 |
0.8125 --- 13/16 |
0.8281 --- 53/64 |
0.8438 --- 27/32 |
0.8594 --- 55/64 |
0.875 --- 7/8 |
0.8906 --- 57/64 |
0.9062 --- 29/32 |
0.9219 --- 59/64 |
0.9375 --- 15/16 |
0.9531 --- 61/64 |
0.9688 --- 31/32 |
0.9844 --- 63/64 |
Here are the PDF files:
sizes-full.pdf (full page large print)
sizes-fine.pdf (small page fine print)